History Overview for Parents
History Curriculum Map - EYFS to Year 6
History Progression Grid - EYFS - Year 6
Our History Journey
Use our Geography Provision Maps to see in more detail what your child will be learning as they move through school.
Year 1
The Great Fire of London & Bonfire Night
Year 3
Roman Britain
Year 4
Year 6
The Maya Civilisation
Our History Curriculum
At Sacred Heart, we aim for a high quality History curriculum which inspires pupils' curiosity and fascination about Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We want children to enjoy and love learning about history by gaining this knowledge and skills, not just through experiences in the classroom, but also with the use of fieldwork and educational visits.
To support us in the delivery of History we use Rising Stars History which gives us the basis for a whole school approach to History. Gradually building up knowledge as the children progress through school.
Key knowledge is linked to other subject areas and explored thoroughly through our class and whole school themes. These can be explored in our Curriculum Plans.
Knowledge Organisers
We use knowledge organisers to help the children remember important vocabulary and information. You can use these to help your child at home.
Year 1 My Family History The Greatest Explorers Great Inventions - Transport
Year 2 The Great fire of London Bonfire Night Holidays Our Local Heroes
Year 3 The Stone Age Local History The Bronze Age & Iron Age Roman Britain
Year 4 The Ancient Egyptians Crime & Punishment Invasion - Anglo Saxons
Year 5 The Vikings & 1066 The Shang Dynasty Ancient Greeks
Year 6 The Maya Civilisation The Impact of War
*Early Years Foundation Stage have there own Knowledge Organisers that feed into our curriculum from Year 1.