School Council

What is it?

School Councils are democracy in action. The School Council of Sacred Heart  consists of two representatives of each class, from Reception to Year 6. The Council meets frequently, at least once every half-term, to express views and make decisions.

Staff are always keen to know the views of our pupils. For example, following curriculum-themed weeks we meet with the School Council to know more about what went well – councillors tell us they enjoy mixing classes and working with children from different year groups.

Recent decisions have included:

  • How to improve the Junior and infant playgrounds (this resulted in new play equipment and a new layout in the infant yard)
  • Helping to design the new Astro Turf and MUGA
  • How to encourage reading – designed an raised money for new outdoor furniture that allows the children comfortable areas to sit in the summer months
  • How to spend supermarket vouchers – working with the lunchtime supervisor, a sub-committee ‘spent’ the vouchers on lots of lunchtime play equipment

Representatives of the School Council are very much active citizens. Councillors have attended interviews on behalf of the parish and school and have attended other schools as representatives.

Join in

Every Autumn Term we elect our school councillors. The children put in a great deal of effort into their campaigns and take their roles very seriously.



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