& Home Learning
Remote Learning
Children working from home have access to Microsoft Teams (Y1 – Y6) or Tapestry (Reception Class) for daily lessons. You will have a daily live lesson (Y1-Y6) and will also receive daily support and feedback from the school team.
Children can expect the following daily timetable. Studies have shown that children who followed and stuck to a timetable similar to that of their schools during the last lockdown achieved better academically and more importantly maintained better mental and emotional health. We would therefore encourage you to try and stick to the times given by your child’s class teacher.
We would also encourage you to ensure your child hands the work in at the end of each timetabled session. We know that this will be more difficult for some of you with your own work commitments etc. but would ask you to encourage your child to do this when they can.
A Typical Daily Timetable
Your child will receive a daily timetable on Teams which looks similar to the one below. The Sections highlighted in GREEN are what we would expect each child to complete each day. Additional activities have been added for those of you who are able to follow a full school timetable.
Home Learning Tasks
We have reduced the number of work books being sent to and from school. The only classes with formal homework are now Year 6 and Year 5 who will receive their homework through Microsoft Teams. To log on to teams your child needs to use their email address e.g. and the password Sacredheart1 to access their account.
We would encourage the children in all the classes to be doing the following at home each day;
Reading aloud to an adult (even when they are in Year 6 this is really valuable and helps to improve their fluency and understanding of the text)
Numbots - Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2 (The same login as Times Table Rock Stars)
Wider Learning
The children are taught in half termly themes that can be found under 'Teaching and learning' you can use these to plan family days out and activities that link to the children's learning. If you would like to send in any work they complete as a result you can do this through Teams.
If you require additional ICT support from devices to broadband please let us know as soon as possible and we'll do our very best to help
Remote Learning Packs
These packs work alongside each classes daily timetable and include White Rose Maths Work Booklets, Literacy Support Booklet, RE Work Packs, Topic Packs, Reading Scheme Books, Class Novels, Writing Materials and passwords for online learning. Each Pack lasts for 3 weeks and you will be notified when a new pack is ready.
This will help with the completion of the children’s work at home and will also mean that we will be able to support the children’s learning at home and offer additional support where necessary. When all our children return to school the completed work will help us to be able to offer the right support for each child.
When you arrive at school to collect your child’s pack please ensure you are wearing a face mask/covering, press the buzzer in the entrance way and then wait for a member of the office staff to come outside to meet you.
Family and individual Isolation Remote Learning
In the event of your child or family having to isolate for 14 days you will follow the learning pack sent home by your class teacher. This includes;
A two week literacy project from Oak National Academy
A link to White Rose Maths that mirrors class learning during their absence
A weekly RE lesson